How Fentanyl Changed my Life & Ministry


Sunday - 10:30 A.M. Worship Service AND SUNDAY SCHOOL | Wednesday - 7 P.M. ZOOM BIBLE STUDY

Mar. 20, 2023

In this episode Huff & Sal describe how years of being on pain medication use can effect you body, mind and emotions. Opioids work by releasing chemicals into the brain in areas that sense pain, emotion and pleasure which makes them effective but also addicting. It also effects your mood and alters your personality even when you don't want it to. Pain is a terrible thing and these type of medications are necessary but they also come with a price to your mental and emotional health. Many people who abuse drugs today started off with using medications for the purpose of controlling pain but escalated into more than prescribed use. Whether you are someone using pain meds, abusing drugs or someone who loves someone who is using or abusing, we pray this video will help you understand and give you insights that will help.